Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Very Weak and Still Lost

I must come clean that after saying I would watch no more Lost, I continued to camp out on the couch and watch episode after perplexing episode.

This morning, in a hazy, sleep-deprived moment of clarity, I arrived at the answer to every question raised on the show. And there are many:

What I think is the most important question is not on this list: Why does Ben tell Juliet that taking women off the island to conceive is not possible? This question is the key to nearly every other question. I ran this through a thousand possibilities, and even mind-mapped it. Here's the solution:

There are two types of Others -- those who were "born" on the island and those who were brought there. Those who were "born" there cannot step off the island because they are holograms. That's also why they cannot go to term with a pregnancy -- they themselves are not flesh and blood.

The idea came to me as I was staring at the ceiling in my office repeating to myself, "Why can't they leave? Why can't couples just honeymoon in Fiji and come back and have a healthy baby?" Then I thought of Professor Moriarty on Star Trek. He could not leave the holodeck because he was a hologram. One foot off and he would disintegrate. In the same way, a young Other couple cannot exist in Fiji. Ben knows this but he won't tell them.

Many of the objects are also holograms. I believe the island, besides sustaining its holographic inhabitants can also implant memories and replicate items. The implanted memories, like Kate's black stallion or Sayid's cat, coincide with the materialization of the subject of the memories in the place in which the physical person exists.

So, how can a hologram have a tumor? Easy. Ben thought about a tumor for some reason and it appeared on his back. How can Jack operate on a hologram? Just like the game operation. The guy with the big red nose isn't really human.

Ben learned this truth, and has made it his life's work to become real -- just like Moriarty wanted. He wants to step off the holodeck. He has recruited off-islanders like Ethan and Juliet to this end, by promising them miracles. And if you were a hologram and wanted to be real, what would you do? Study real people.

Now reframe all your Lost questions with this in mind. Doesn't it all just make sense now?

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