Thursday, February 28, 2008

Papa's Got a Brand New Bag

Warning: This post is not for the faint of heart. There is a significant "ick" factor to my latest theory.

Locke and Claire are doing it. That's right. Locke has been after her since Day One. He tried to make it known early on by building her a cradle. Later, he would pop over to her tent and swaddle and coo at Aaron, as if he really cared. The whole time Charlie was sooo on to him.

After he swaddled the baby that time, Locke goes over to Charlie and says something about not imposing and Charlie looks confused. That was really Locke putting Charlie on warning. It was the same conversation Hurley and Frogurt had in the mobisode where Frogurt tells Hurley he better make a move on Libby because he's "holding up the line."

As soon as Charlie is conveniently out of the picture, Locke marches off to the suburbs with Claire and Aaron in tow. And in "Eggtown" he gives the game away by walking into Claire's house without even knocking. That's because he LIVES THERE, folks.

He's only staying at Ben's house to keep an eye on Ben and keep his Claire action on the DL while Kate's snooping around. Didn't it seem strange that Sawyer had to room with Hurley but Claire gets her own house? She totally lives with Locke.

Which explains why Kate wants to steal her baby. She, Jack and Sayid all think Locke is dangerous, and if he's the new baby daddy, then they have to plot to hide Aaron from him (in a galaxy far-far away). Locke can't or won't leave the island, so they have to take him where Locke can't get him -- off-island.

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