Monday, February 25, 2008

Others Adoption Service

Today's theory involves Kate and her questionable adoption of baby Aaron. I think the most likely explanation is Kate and Jack have switched sides and become Others. They may have been finally convinced by Ben (or more likely Jack by Juliet) that the Others really are the "good guys."

The Others routinely take children and raise them as their own. Couple this with the fact that, when asked, Others have identified themselves as "Canadian" and you have your explanation. For 70 years, orphaned and impoverished children in the U.K. were sent to farms to work in Canada. The Canada Home program was started by some British religious zealots who believed they were giving the children a better life in a new country.

The Others seems to be convinced they need to take children and "give them a better life." This seems to be what Kate has done with Aaron. I don't think Claire is dead. We know she was with Locke. Locke is decidedly not Other. In the future, I believe Claire is still on the island with Locke and Jack helped Kate abscond with baby Aaron -- because they both believed she could give him a better life than the one Claire and Locke could offer. This is why Jack can't see Aaron. He believes he did the right thing, but part of him still knows this is wrong.

What we need to see is Jack and Kate making lists, or calling people good or bad. They are definitely in cahoots with Ben, but not in the same way as Sayid. They drank the Kool-Aid, but Sayid must still be blackmailed to do Ben's bidding.

Also, I would not be surprised if Ben orchestrated the Aaron adoption to Kate, or is behind it in some way. Heck, Aaron probably calls him Uncle Benry.

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