Friday, February 22, 2008

"Eggtown" Has Egg On Its Face

I'll just start by saying this was probably my *least* favorite Lost episode so far. I would almost go so far as to say it jumped the shark. How do you know if a show has jumped the shark? You look at your past blog entries about how great the show is and you're embarrassed for yourself.

First of all, NO ONE gets time served for a laundry list of charges like were brought against Kate. In fact, when I saw her enter the courtroom I said, "If she leaves with time served, I'm selling my TV." Oh, but she's really hot you're saying. That's not enough either: just look at our local girl Mary Kay LeTourneau.

We did get confirmation that Jack does, in fact, love Kate -- now and in the future. So the $10 I spent on my new domain name will obviously pay for itself. But then we see Jack can lie about what happened on the island no problem, but the lying gets harder when he has to look at Aaron.

Now on to the theories:

1) Baby Aaron may be the devil. I say this because the psychic said he would be evil if not raised by Claire. And Matthew Abaddon seems to be looking for him, and I've read that Abbadon's name is a reference to the devil. He may be searching out his successor.

2) Claire is in the coffin. She did get on the helicopter with Aaron, as Desmond predicted, but what Desmond couldn't see was that she was on the helicopter dead, much like Naomi. Sure, the newspaper clipping Jack had said "Man found dead," but I think that article was about his dad. His dad drank himself to death (because the universe course corrected), and the L.A. Times article mentioned Claire was his dad's daughter in Australia -- a fact Jack didn't know (and is very upset about). So then he goes to Claire's funeral, whom he and the other Oceanic 6 had brought back as one of the purported two that Kate couldn't save. Claire has no one in L.A., explaining the lack of visitors. This is why Jack is shocked that Kate didn't attend -- she is passing off this woman's son as her own and doesn't even attend her funeral!

Redeeming qualities:

This episode did have some excellent Skate foreplay, but it seems Kate can no longer see past his dreadful personality and just wants to cuddle. Sawyer may be spending the rest of his life on the island bunking with Hurley (and what, there are enough barracks for everyone to get their own?). Though he did have a valid point about her bouncing between him and Jack. I personally wouldn't have slapped him on the beak for that.

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