Friday, March 7, 2008

Shout Out To Another Crazy Theorist

A real kindred spirit came up with a theory I am craaazee about:

Man in Widmore Video is Thomas Linus

I give this a 89% probability. I'm not sure about the "Widmore sent this video to Ben" theory. But it does lend A LOT to why Ben would want to enlist Sayid to hunt down and kill people: To find and free his son Thomas and get revenge on Widmore -- who personally performed this beating to send a message to Ben. I mean just take a look at this Linus family album I've put together:

This also plays very nicely into one of my earlier theories: that Ben "turned" Jack and Kate to his cause and placed Aaron with Kate for safekeeping. He would have an excellent reason for doing this if he couldn't watch the baby himself because he had to be a veterinarian and rain down some justice on Widmore.

But where is Claire? Why can't she care for the baby? Puh-lease. Ben hates Claire for some reason. More theories on that later. He may have killed her himself. I still believe she's the one in the coffin (see another earlier post). And don't let that silly newspaper clipping stop you from believing me.

After seeing, "The Other Woman" last night, I'm thinking Claire may meet her end by disregarding her lover Locke's no-no and popping in on Miles. He's trying to say something to her and she's like, "I can't hear you with this thing in your mouth." 'Nuff said.

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