Monday, March 10, 2008

Island Comings and Going

I only have time for a quick word today about teleportation. The best part of the latest episode, "The Other Woman" was when new character, Harper, magically appeared, preceded briefly by whispers, and then vanished right before Jack and Juliet's eyes.

What to make of this? The picture at right shows a more common method of teleportation: beaming. But Harper was not beamed. But can you imagine her de-materializing slowly while Jack and Juliet watched in stunned silence? Anyway, Harper was there and then she just wasn't there.

Remember when that Other lady asked Michael if Walt had ever appeared somewhere he wasn't supposed to be? So Harper must have a natural ability to teleport just like Walt does.

Also remember the day Shannon was shot by Anna-Lucia? Shannon heard whispers in the jungle louder and louder, and then saw Walt. Then she was shot.

Do whispers and teleportation always go together? Do magical hidden whisper people transport the Others around the island (and possibly off-island)? More later.

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