Thursday, March 6, 2008

Faraday Knows About Oceanic Six

I just wanted to pop in before Lost airs tonight and post a new theory about Faraday -- my current obsession. Here it is: Faraday knows all about the Oceanic Six.

He is definitely a time traveler (in mind, not body), and in re-watching the second episode of season four, I noticed some tidbits that seem quite telling now that we've seen the equation-intensive Eloise episode.

For one: First thing after Faraday lands on the island he says to Jack and Kate, "I'm here to rescue you." How does he know who they are? Because they're two of the extremely famous Oceanic Six that he has seen in the future. Then Faraday asks Kate, "Where are the rest of your people?" Kate says, "Mostly on the beach." He says, "Mostly?" He seems very confused. Because he is expecting only six survivors. He's also packing heat -- because he knows Kate goes on trial for murder in the future, and may not be keen on being rescued.

How does this tie in to the greater Lost mythology? Well, we know the Freighties came to the island looking for Ben. Which means, Faraday must have also seen a vision or a future where Ben's relationship to Sayid is public. That's how he connects Ben and the Oceanic Six. He tells Hanso Foundation, who has been looking for Ben since they took a fuzzy snapshot of him in 1979. Apparently they've lost their own island in the meantime, so they launch a freighter mission to explore the area where the Oceanic Six said they came from (in Faraday's future flashes).

It's apparent Faraday has also told his team about the future and about the Oceanic Six. This may solve the mystery of Naomi's conversation with Abbadon. She was asking him, "What if there are survivors?" and he was saying, "There were no survivors of Oceanic 815." What we weren't privy to was her then saying, "Then why would Faraday say there are six or eight survivors?" And Abbadon would say, "You're believing that wacko? He's only on the team because Hanso says he won't fund the mission unless he's on it."

Miles Straume also seemed to know about the Oceanic Six. He glanced at Jack for a split second before calling him "handsome." Because surely, he's seen Jack's picture on TV a thousand times and heard Oprah and everyone else call him handsome. He also tells Kate to stay away from the gun. Because he knows she's a criminal. And, let's not forget, Sayid asks him why he's not surprised to see them and Miles is like, "woo woo woo!" and mocks him.

Frank, too. When he sees Juliet, he makes up some story about memorizing the passenger manifest. Really, who can memorize 300 names? Not. He knows the Oceanic Six from their faces, and he also knows the name of the other two Kate says she saved out of the water but died on the island. When Juliet wasn't either, he yells, "She's a native!" Probably alerting the team to the fact that she must know Ben -- another native.

And we know Charlotte knows because she does the three-card game with Faraday. What we missed is Daniel telling her, "I'm having trouble seeing the future here. The island is messing with my abilities." She says, "I'll pull three cards and promise to show you those cards in an hour from now, but for now I'll put them here face down. Now what are they?"

Also, Charlotte was the only one on the team wearing a bulletproof vest. And she was the only one shot. Faraday had a flash where she is shot and killed by Ben and subsequently told her to wear a vest when they go to the island. Very similar to how Desmond was saving Charlie. But you know what that means: the world will course correct and Charlotte will die. Probably soon.

We also know that, because Faraday has written in his journal that Desmond is his constant, he must be in contact with Desmond in 2007. When he flashes forward and sees the Oceanic Six and Kate's trial on TV, he then calls Desmond. This means Desmond gets off the island, too, but he's not one of the Oceanic Six.

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