Friday, February 5, 2010

Faraday's Homemade Particle Accelerator

What a premiere for Lost: The Final Season! Sure, the character stuff was good and Jack and Kate looked good, but I've spent the last few days -- make that the last year -- pondering one question: Why did Faraday direct the Losties to detonate a hydrogen bomb at the source of an electromagnetic incident?

My freshest super-fringe theory: Because Faraday intended to create a black hole.

The newly built Large Hadron Collider (LHC) -- the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator -- is fueled by none other than superconducting magnets (1,600 of them). To drop an H-Bomb into a naturally occurring superconducting magnet could mimic the conditions within the LHC. One of the worries when the LHC was built was that mankind might accidentally create tiny black holes that would suck up the planet (and you thought GMO corn was dangerous). This is exactly what Faraday did.

In this case, each black hole was filled with a copy of the universe circa 1977. Specifically, the moment when the screen went white at the end of season five. Each copy exists in its own dimension and progressed in its own way. So far we've been shown inside only two of these possible universes, but I belive we will see more.

Now we need a hero who can span dimensions and sew the threads of the fragmented universe back together: Enter Desmond.

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