Monday, February 22, 2010

Ilana: Finally, A Rescue Leader Worse Than Naomi

A persistent question for me this season has been: Why did Jacob get Ilana to protect him? She really could not have done a worse job.

Instead of rushing to Jacob's side once she reaches the island, she instead hikes out to his summer cabin and torches it. Fat lot of good that did. Then she makes a slow march carrying a heavy body - finally - to Jacob's house under the foot. Even Ben has to ask her, "why did you bring this?" Her answer is feeble. She could have been there a lot faster not carrying heavy old Locke.

Not to mention she KNOWS the rule about burying people so the man-in-black cannot body-snatch them. But when Ajira crashes on the island, does she bury Locke? Nope. She leaves him out the open and then figures "he must have been snatched by now. Let's bring him to show people."

I'm also wondering why she had Sayid in handcuffs? Was it because she somehow knew he would be infected by the man-in-black and be a danger to Jacob? But she screwed that up too and loses Sayid before Ajira even landed.

Thankfully for her Jacob has turned the other cheek to her ineptitude and decided to visit Hurley in the afterlife. But I think he should also pay her a visit to give her a quick slap in the face and demerit badge.

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