Friday, April 9, 2010

Desmond Is Destiny's Bitch

So here I was thinking Ilana was the one to watch when sneaking up out of the corner of my eye was old lady Hawking. Eloise the Rat.

This is almost a guest post in that my trusty barista at Cafe Bella generously gave me the scoop (as my eyes popped out of my head in amazement).

Eloise Hawking -- since shooting her son on the island while she was pregnant with him (only on Lost, right?) -- has been plotting, planning and scheming to stop that event from happening. Here's what she's got to work with in this equation:

The Island. She was leader of the Others and in Richard's confidence, so I'm thinking she knows everything he knows. But then again, Ben was leader and didn't seem to know jack about the smoke monster even though Richard did. But Richard never did really like him. Maybe Rich got more tight-lipped with leaders after getting burned by Eloise. On the Island (which still doesn't have a name ARGH!), she's got magnetism, a healing-water pool, two powerful gods fighting it out, and all the mangoes you can eat.

Charles Widmore. The variable. Maybe she loves him, but he's just a pawn in her game. Now she's sent him back to the island by packing his ears full of lies about the end of the world. She really just wants to solidify the existence of the flash-sideways world and stop it from course-correcting -- which it is doing rapidly with Desmond's unwelcome help.

Desmond. The constant. We don't know when she found out but at some point, Eloise got wise to Desmond's unique ability to change the future. She's been on him like white on rice ever since. She appears in photos he looks at, drags him into parallel dimensions, the works. Now she's got her husband kidnapping him; it's no longer just subtle manipulation.

The Dharma Initiative. Eloise ran the Lamppost station for several years, so I'm starting to think she may be behind the Dharma Initiative, as a silent partner to Widmore. She created the D.I. to investigate the Island's properties and see what she can use to get her son back. She personally flies over the Island (sans chopper) each month and drops the D.I. food crates.

So where does Ilana come in? Well I'm getting to that. So Ilana is no demi-god like Eloise (or an alien). She can't shift through time and space and alternate realities. She is just a humble servant to Jacob. But humble servants have taken down demi-gods before. My prediction: Eloise gets frustrated watching her husband botch the job she sent him to do on the Island. She trashes the Lamppost and then flies to the Island atop a tub of Dharma ranch dressing yelling, "If you want something done you've gotta do it yourself!"

Ilana is there to greet her. And what we thought was a mono-a-mono e.g. Ben-Widmore/Jacob-ManInBlack turns out to be womano-a-womano. Judging by the state of Ilana's face the first time we saw her, she's a scrapper. But Eloise does drop scaffolding on people without remorse. It will be a close one!

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