Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lost Wishes & Dreams

It's difficult to write with my hands all shaking in anticipation of season five, but I'm working through it to put together a list of my wishes and dreams for the new season. They are as follows:

1. Juliet dies. Please. Just please. I know she's from Bainbridge and is local and all, but if I have to look at her blank stare oozing out of my TV again this year ... so help me.

2. Ben's a good guy. If Widmore is the "big bad," then Ben MUST be the good guy (by default). I'm ready to whole-heartedly root for him in season five.

3. Jaters get thrown a bone. Because Juliet is now on the island drooling over Sawyer, Jaters will get a Jack-Kate exclusive romance with no other interested parties. Nice.

4. No more legal stuff. Kate's trial was about as realistic and believable as when Santa Claus went on trial in "Miracle on 34th Street." And I HATE seeing Kate in makeup. She just looks like another person.

5. More Dharma. Much more. I'll be specific: I would love to see a worker walk into the Dharma Division of General Mills, stick a Dharma label on a jar of peanut butter (or ranch dressing), then pile the jar on a pallet. He asks his supervisor, "Where does this stuff go?" The supervisor says, "Back to work, Bob. Hanso paid for 100 years of pallets in advance and then disappeared. Everyone knows that."

6. More Desmond. Much much more. But first, Penny's brain must be picked clean. Who is Charles Widmore? How much does she know? Of course, this won't happen. Everyone will sit silent on Penny's boat staring at the ocean, just like they did with Juliet on the beach. Asking nothing. Argh!

7. More Faraday. I love this guy. And he's the only one that tells us the truth! And Desmond is his constant - so he will keep Desmond on the show. And maybe he can get some answers out of Penny. In the Lost Experience, Alvar Hanso said the purpose of the Dharma Initiative was "to change the core values of the Valenzetti Equation." Faraday is really the only one who's up to the task.

8. Fewer questions, more answers. Would it really be so bad to give us some answers, J.J.? You never did on Alias. Well, I take that back. The big, red Rambaldi ball turned people into flesh-eating zombies. That's a head-scratcher. Even the answers are puzzles! Who would want an uncontrollable army of flesh-eating zombies? Search me. Maybe I don't want answers.

9. Sun turns evil. Ben finds out she has done a deal with Widmore, and he sends someone to kill her -- Sayid, perhaps. But it turns out Sun's piece on the side, Jae Lee, taught her more than just English. She is also a fighting master. She and Sayid battle to the death. Oh, and her baby is Michael's.

10. More underwater missions. My favorite Lost episode is the second episode of season four -- when a submersible finds Oceanic 815 (4-8-15 anyone?). I would even keep Juliet around if she found a second submarine and started scooting around the island in it, finding neat things at the bottom of the ocean, new Dharma stations, Charlie. Turns out before Ethan strung him up, he gave him an injection that allowed him to breathe underwater. Now he just needs to be rescued from the control room!

1 comment:

Nichole said...

OMG! I am SOOO laughing out loud right now! This post cracks me up. I give a shout out to your Jater site on my blog. . . look for it on Wednesday.