Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Island Is A Machine

After four months of intensive study and reflection, I finally figured out what the Lost finale means. Actually, it was four months of mostly goofing around, and then I drop the soap in the shower, stand up and scream, "Yes! That's it!"

Or did I steal this idea from a friend? No matter. Today's theory: The Island Is One Big Machine. The smoke monster is its arms and legs. This explains why the smoke monster makes that mechanical sound. Because it is part of the machine that is the island. Also why Ben can turn a wheel and move the island. The island is not igneous rock and dirt, but clockworks and gears inside!

Of course, it was conceived of by Alvar Hanso and the Hanso Foundation, funded and built by Charles Widmore, and then run by the Dharma Initiative. I'm thinking the purpose of the Dharma Initiative was to conduct research so that these islands could be built and sold around the world.

Imagine the fortunes to be made if you could build an island that any millionaire could plop down in the middle of the ocean. It has several built-in security systems (smoke monster and sonic alarms) to give that extra protection only the ultra-rich need.

But then some kid from the Dharma Initiative discovered the secret. He killed everyone who knew and moved the island. For all we know, he has been manufacturing and selling islands for the last 10 years -- which is how Ben Linus has made all his money (that the Freighties say he has).

The Losties mission is clear: Find the hidden blueprints and take control of the island!

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