Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ben's Minions: Sayid and Michael

Thank Jacob, the Lost hiatus has provided me with some much-needed distance from the show and allowed me to develop a new, super smokin' hot Lost theory:

Sayid, in his flash-forward, is continuing work that Michael started -- finding and killing those with information on the Island.

Here's the logic -- Michael is on freighter. Michael works for Ben in the present. Sayid is on freighter. Sayid works for Ben in the future. Hence, Mr. Friendly is gay. No, the last part is not related to this theory. Well, maybe tangentally, but that's another entry.

So Sayid and Michael start talking on the freighter, and Michael sells Sayid on Ben and how he's the good guy. So Sayid agrees to also work for Ben.

If this were the case, you're saying, why would Ben have to threaten Sayid to get him to work for him? What Ben is saying is not a threat. It's just a reminder of the logic Michael has already used to sell him on this mission. It's like when you go to return a dress and the saleslady says, "But you looked so good in it!"

The point of all this is not that Mr. Friendly is gay, but that Michael is in the coffin. Ben had to recruit Sayid because Michael was no longer available. Because he's in a coffin. Which on this show, does not always mean you're no longer available. Keep that in mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Jack is about to become a minion of Ben's, as well. To what extent, I don't know.